Kaks kuud tagasi toimus selle suve südamlikum, ilusam ja tähtsam sündmus. Minust sai saja tunnistaja ees abikaasa maailma parimale mehele! Selleks puhuks sai nii mõndagi meisterdatud. Kõik algas kutsete kujundamisega ja välja saatmisega. Seejärel disainisime oma logo,millega ehtisime pulmalaulikud, pulmaveinid ja meepurgid külalistele. Meepurgid villisime ja kaunistasime koos emaga :)Ametimärgid said maalitud akrüülvärvidega puidust ketastele ja piltide idee leidsin internetis surfates. Imeilusa ja maitsva pulmatordi tegi minu kallis sõbranna Kadri, pildi ja kirjelduse leiab tema blogist. Hetkel on mul valmimisel pulmaalbum, mida saan loodetavasti varsti näidata :)
Two months ago the sweetest, most beautiful and most important event took place. I became the wife of the greatest man in the world in front of one hundred witnesses. We crafted some things for this event. It all began with designing and distributing the invitations. Then we designed a logo which we decorated our wedding songbooks, wedding wines and honey jars for the guests with. The honey jars we filled and decorated with my mother :) For wedding games we painted wooden discs with acrylic colours. I got the idea for the pictures from the internet. My gorgeous wedding cake was made by my dear friend Kadri, pics can be found from her blog. Currently the wedding album is being put together, so hopefully I can show it soon!
Oh my, I missed this post! Congrats! You look beautiful xo