Viimased kolm fotot on tehtud eelmisel detsembril aset leidnud näitusest, kus tutvustati Tallinna Ülikooli Käsitöö ja kodunduse eriala lõputöid. Minu Ladina-Ameerika sümbolitest inspireeritud tikandiga kleit on esimesel pildil. Täitsa uhke tunne oli näha oma tööd näitusel :)
On the weekend we went to the coutryside to do all the works necessary before the winter comes. The wind was so strong that any effort made to rake the leaves made them fly away. The weather has turned clear and crisp and first flimsy layer of snow has fallen.
The last three photos are taken at an exhibition last december, where theses of Tallinn University's Handicraft and Home Economics students were introduced. My crocheted dress inspired by Latin-American symbols is on the first picture. Felt kinda proud to see my work at an exhibition :)