Uus aasta tuli seekord suure pauguga - meie üürileping öeldi üles! Peale kahte väga masendunud päeva hakkasime tööle ja leidsime nädalaga uue koha :) Aastavahetus oli pidulik, kaetud laua ja kolmekäigulise õhtusöögiga: valmistasin vürtsika tomatisupi krõbedate küüslaugu ciabattaga, täidetud broilerid ahjuköögiviljadega ja magustoiduks tiramisu. Pidu oli mõnus ja seltskond vahva, uue aasta varahommikul läksime Sinilindu tantsima ja teisi sõpru-tuttvaid tervitama.
Uus aasta on olnud vägagi töine, valmistasin ette uut veerandit koolis, mis tuleb eriti pikk - 10 nädalat! Heegeldasin valmis järjehoidjad Peterburist tulnud sõpruskooli külalistele. Inspiratiooni sain Eesti kihelkondade rahavarõiva triibuseelikutest - (vasakult paremale lugedes) Järva-Jaani, Kuusalu, Kolga-Jaani, Torma ja Jõelähtme. Soe ja sulane ilm hakkab läbi saama, miinuskraadid on süvenenud ning lund hakanud uuesti peale sadama - tore, sest uuel aastal polegi veel suusatama jõudnud!
This year started with a bang - our rental contract was canceled! After two depressing days we started looking for a new place and found it :) The New Year's Eve was ceremonial with a three course dinner: I made a spicy tomato soup with crunchy garlic ciabattas, a stuffed broiler with vegetables and a tiramisu for desert. The party was cool and the crowd was fun. On the early morning of new year we went dancing and greeting our other friends at Sinilind.
The new year has been full of work. I prepared some school stuff for this 10-week half semester. I crocheted bookmarks for the guests of our friendship school in St. Petersburg. I was inspired by national striped skirts of Estonian parishes - (from left to right) Järva-Jaani, Kuusalu, Kolga-Jaani, Torma and Jõelähtme. It's cold again and snowfall has replaced the warm thaw - it's nice, we haven't skied this year anyway.
This year started with a bang - our rental contract was canceled! After two depressing days we started looking for a new place and found it :) The New Year's Eve was ceremonial with a three course dinner: I made a spicy tomato soup with crunchy garlic ciabattas, a stuffed broiler with vegetables and a tiramisu for desert. The party was cool and the crowd was fun. On the early morning of new year we went dancing and greeting our other friends at Sinilind.
The new year has been full of work. I prepared some school stuff for this 10-week half semester. I crocheted bookmarks for the guests of our friendship school in St. Petersburg. I was inspired by national striped skirts of Estonian parishes - (from left to right) Järva-Jaani, Kuusalu, Kolga-Jaani, Torma and Jõelähtme. It's cold again and snowfall has replaced the warm thaw - it's nice, we haven't skied this year anyway.
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