Friday, December 27, 2013

Sellel aastal olid meil rohelised ja vihmased jõulud, mistõttu minu jõulutunne ei saavutanudki haripunkti, vaid jäi kuskile keskmisele tasemele pidama. Tegime küll piparkooke, mõnusaid jõuluhommikuid küünlavalgel, jõime hõõgveini, külastasime jõuluturgu, meisterdasin kingitusi, ent sellegipoolest jäi lumi vajaka. Lõputu pimedus ja aastalõpu meeleolu mõjuvad samuti veidi kurvalt ja nostalgiliselt...tagasi vaatamine ja järelduste tegemine, uute tegude planeerimine ja sihtide seadmine. Tegelikult tahaks lihtsalt veidi kosuda kogu jõulumöllust, minna metsa hangede vahele suusatama ja et rohkrm päikest oleks! Viimastel piltidel on linavildist pajalapid, mis samuti leidsid tee kingikotti.

This year I only had half the Christmas spirit because the holidays were green and rainy. We did make gingerbreads, cozy Christmas mornings in candlelight, drank glögg, visited the Christmas market, crafted presents etc, but nevertheless the snow was still missing. Endless darkness and end-of-the-year-mood also have a slightly sad and nostalgic impact... looking back, making conclusions, planning and setting goals for the new year. To be honest I just want to recover from the Christmas feast. I wish I could go skiing in the woods and I wish there was more sunshine! On the last pictures there are pot-holders out of linen felt, which also found their way to the bag of presents.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Valmis sai vildist kannusoojendaja, millele tikkisin hääbepistes suure mooni, mille mustri leidsin Leida Kirstu Muhu tikandi raamatust. Lume saabumise auks tegime Kalamaja pargis fotosessiooni ja jäädvustasime selle iluduse pildile. Mõni aeg tagasi kaunistasin klassi akent lumehelveste ja baleriinidega, mille idee leidsin blogist. Veel üks nädal ja algab jõulupuhkus ! Juba on peetud ka esimene jõulupidu koos kursaõdedega, valmistasin neile selleks puhuks sidruni-valge shokolaadi kreemi. Nii palju ettevalmistusi on veel vaja teha, nädal enne jõule on sagimist täis!
PS! Ma võitsin imeilusa kaelakee Advendikalendri loosist  A butterfly in my hair blogist !

I finished the felted pot warmer. I embroidered a large poppy on it in filling stitch. I found the pattern in the Muhu embroidery book by Leida Kirst. On the honor of the arrival of the snow we took pictures of the beauty. A little while ago I decorated the class window with snowflakes and ballerinas. I found the idea from One more week until Christmas vacation! We already threw the first Christmas party with my coursemates. I prepared a lemon and white chocolate cream for them in that occasion. I still have to do many preparations and the week before the holidays is full of action!
PS! I won a delightful necklace from an Advent Calendar giveaway in A butterfly in my hair blog!

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Käisime enne lume tulekut Tädu matkarajal viimaseid rohelisi hetki nautimas, värsket õhku hingamas ja end loodusvaikuses laadimas. Päevad on muutunud lühikeseks ja sombuseks ning taevas on pea iga päev hall ja trööstitu. Õnneks on terve linn jõuluehteis ja pühademeeleolu poeb aina rohkem hinge. Kahel viimasel pildil näitan ka ühe jõulukingituse valmimissprotsessi. Nimelt otsustasin teha ühe ilusa vildist sooja hoidva kannusoojendaja, et tee ja kohv ikka kuumad püsiksid. Selleks ostsin Dropsi Eskimo lõnga, mis on 100% vill, pesumasinas vilditav ja kudusin nr 10 ringvarrastega mütsikujulise koonuse ja heegeldasin tippu väikese varre, millest tõsta. Seejärel kinnitasin soojendaja sisse kilekoti, et viltimisprotsessis küljed kinni ei kleepuks ning panin pesumasinasse koos ülejäänud heleda pesuga ning pesin 40 kraadi juures. Välja tuli u 40 % väikesm mütsike (seda tuli kudumise juures arvestada), millele alustasin Muhu tikandis mooni tikkimist. Hetkel tikin hoolsalt ja varsti võib näha valmis tööd. Akna taga sajab õrna lund ja tunne aina kasvab :)

Before the snow we went to Tädu trekking trail to enjoy the last green moments, breathe some fresh air and unwind ourselves in the quiet nature. The days have become short and muddy and the sky is gray every day. Luckily the whole town is in Christmas lights and we're really catching that holiday spirit. On the last two pictures making of a Christmas present is depicted. I decided to make a beautiful felted kettle warmer for tea and coffee to stay hot. I bought some Drops Eskimo 100% woolen yarn, which can be felted in the washing machine and knitted a cap shaped cone with no. 10 round needles and crocheted a small stem on the top for lifting. Then I attached a plastic bag into the warmer for the sides not to stick during the felting process. After that I put it in the washing machine with the rest of the white laundry and washed it at 40 degrees. What came out was an approx. 40% smaller cap (I had to consider it during the knitting) which I started stitching a Muhu embroidery style poppy on. I'm embrodering very busily at the moment and soon you can see the finished work. It's snowing gently behind the window and the feeling grows :)