Friday, February 26, 2016
Mõni nädal tagasi saime nautida mõnusat kevadilma - soojem õhk, paljas asfalt, palju päikest. Tänaseks on hanged tagasi, koos pilvise taeva ja rohke lumetormiga. Sellest hoolimata algavad hommikud järjest tugevama linnulauluga, mis on üks esimesi kevadekuulutajaid!
Ilmusid uhiuued Käsitöö ja Burda ja oi milline tuhin tuli mulle peale, tahaks absoluutselt kõike õmmelda, kududa ja heegeldada! Alustasin ühe suurema projektiga - suveks heegeldatud kleit. Töö arengut hakkan kindlasti siin jutu ja piltidega kajastama.Tänases postituses näitan pitsilisi-nupulisi sokke, mille idee leidsin ajakirjast Maret, lõngaks kasutasin Schachenmayri 100% villast lõnga ja vardaid suuruses 3. Sokkide saatus on veel otsustamata :)
Eelmine nädalavahetus korraldasime väikese perekondliku lõuna ja pakkusime talvist lambahautist. Roog tuli imemaitsev nagu on näha ka pildilt. Ilusat-mõnusat talve lõppu!
A few weeks ago we got to enjoy a nice spring weather - warmer air, snowless pavement and lots of sun. Today the snowdrifts are back along with the cloudy sky and quite heavy blizzard. Despite all that the mornings are starting with birds singing louder and louder. And that is one of the first signs of spring.
There are new issues of Käsitöö and Burda and I was inspired - I want to sew, knit and crochet everything in there! I started with a bigger project - a crocheted summer dress. I will keep track of the work here with text and pictures. In today's post I have pictures of lacy-knobbly socks which I found the idea for from Maret magazine. I used Schachenmayr 100% woolen yarn and size 3 needles. The socks' destiny is yet to be determined :)
Last weekend we had a family lunch and cooked a wintery lamb stew. It turned out delicious as you can see. Have a happy end of winter!
Saturday, February 20, 2016
Lumised rabapildid said tehtud juba kuu aega tagasi, aga mahti sain alles täna need siia üles laadida. Käisime Viru rabas ja külma oli sel päeval üle 20 kraadi. Tund aega pidasime vastu, nautisime vaikust, lumerohkust ja kauneid vaateid. Pärast läksime spaasse sooja vanni mõnulema - super puhkus!
Näitan ka oma selle aasta kalendermärkmikut, mis samuti valmis jaanuari alguses. Põhimõttelt sama köitega, mis kokaraamatki, kuid sisu sai teine, vahele panin lisamärkmete jaoks värvilisi pabereid. Kaaned katsin ussimustrilise tapeediga ja lisasin sinna ka mooni pildi. Olen tulemusega väga rahul.
The snowy bog pictures are taken a month ago already, but I only had time to upload them today. We went to Viru bog and on that day it was more than 20 degrees below zero. We lasted for an hour, enjoyed the silence, snow and spectacular views. Afterwards we went to a spa to relax in warm jacuzzis - super holiday.
I will also show you my calendar notebook which I made in the beginning of January. It's basically made with the same binding as the cook book I showed in December, but with a different content. I also added colored pages for additional notes. The covers are coated with a snake-patterned wallpaper and I also added a picture of poppies. I am very happy with the result.
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