Viimasel nädalal enne lume tulekut otsustasime minna Kakerdaja rabasse loodust imetlema. Pühapäeva varahommikul alustasime sõitu ja jõudsime sihtkohta täpselt päikesetõusuks (08:46). Hoolimata pilvisest taevast ja pidevast kergest seenevihmast oli keset vaikust ja rahu väga hea olla. Küpsetasin kaasa porgandi-sibula plaadipiruka, mis oli mõnus näljapeletaja meie paaritunnisel jalutuskäigul.
Täna hommikul sadas maha kohev lumi ja mina kudusin valmis selle aasta viimased sokid.
Last week before a day before the snow we decided to go to Kakerdaja bog to admire the nature. We set out early in the morning and arrived exactly at sunrise (8:46 am). Despite the cloudy sky and constant light rain it was really enjoyable being in the middle of peace and quiet. I baked a carrot-onion plate pie to sate our hunger on the two hour hike.
This morning a fluffy snow carpet coated the ground and I finished knitting my last socks this year.
Last week before a day before the snow we decided to go to Kakerdaja bog to admire the nature. We set out early in the morning and arrived exactly at sunrise (8:46 am). Despite the cloudy sky and constant light rain it was really enjoyable being in the middle of peace and quiet. I baked a carrot-onion plate pie to sate our hunger on the two hour hike.
This morning a fluffy snow carpet coated the ground and I finished knitting my last socks this year.
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