Õpetajate jõulupeol käisime Viimsi Rannarahvamuuseumis ja imetlesime, kuidas eelmise sajandi alguses Naissaarel naised elasid. Kaunid buduaarid, ümmargused kohvilauad, õrn portselan, peen käsitöö, laiad õlgkübarad ja õhulised kleidid on märksõnad, mis seda ajastut iseloomustavad.
Jõuludeni on täpselt 5 päeva ja maailmalõpuni 3 päeva - põnevus on suur! Pakkisin täna kingitusi ja heegeldasin mustika-cointreau moosidele mütsid, mis samuti pakkidesse rändasid. Heegelskeemid leidsin internetist ja lisasin juurde ka veidi omaloomingut. Väljas on käre pakane aga meil praksub ahjus tuli ja toas on soe ja mõnus!
At the teachers' christmas party we went to the National Museum of Coastal Folk in Viimsi and admired, how the women of Naissaare used to live in the beginning of the previous century. The beautiful boudoirs, rounded coffee tables, delicate china, sophisticated handicrafts, wide straw hats and aery dresses are the keywords for describing that era.
Exactly 5 days til christmas and 3 days to the worlds end - lots of excitement! I wrapped gifts today and crocheted hats for blueberry-cointreau jam jars which will also be gift wrapped. I found the crochet chart from the internet and added a bit of improvisation. It's really snappy outside but our fireplace is heating the room and it's warm and cozy inside.
Exactly 5 days til christmas and 3 days to the worlds end - lots of excitement! I wrapped gifts today and crocheted hats for blueberry-cointreau jam jars which will also be gift wrapped. I found the crochet chart from the internet and added a bit of improvisation. It's really snappy outside but our fireplace is heating the room and it's warm and cozy inside.
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