Kudusin valmis ka oma tulbimustrilise meriinovillase kevadvesti, mille lõngaks kasutasin Hjertegarn Palino't ja idee leidsin Käsitöö ajakirjast kevad 2012. Seljas istub hästi ja kanda on mõnus, eriti uhke olen ilusa sügavrohelise värvi üle!
In only few weeks time everything is getting greener and greener. Warm shover increase the tension even more and it feels like the nature will soon explode. I made some pictures of the flowers in the countryhome garden: Yellow Star-of-Bethlehem (Gagea lutea), Siberian squill (Scilla siberica) and Spring Snowflakes (Leucojum vernum). I also knitted my tulip-patterned merino woolen spring vest made out of Hjertgarn Palino yarn. Found the idea from Käsitöö issue spring 2012. It suits well and feels good to wear and I'm especially proud of the beautiful deep colour.