Meie jõulud olid täis lähedasi inimesi, naeru, rõõmu, hõrgutavaid maitseid, imelisi lõhne, põnevust ja toredaid kingitusi.
Nüüd aga valmistume aastavahetuseks: toad koristatud, menüü paigas, poes käidud, shampused külmas, tina valamist ootamas ja laudki juba kaetud - oodata on külla 12 sõpra. Täna käisime veel sel aastal viimast korda suusatamas aga homme seisab ees tihe kokkamispäev ja vaikselt hakkab tekkima juba ootusärvus. Toredat vana aasta lõppu ja veelgi edukamat uut!!!
Our christmas was filled with close people, laughter, joy, exquisite tastes, wonderful smells, excitement and fun gifts.
But now we're getting ready for New Years Eve: the rooms have been cleaned, menu is ready, champagne in the freezer, led ready to be poured and even the tables are laid - 12 friends are expected. Today we went skiing for the last time this year but tomorrow we are facing an intense cooking day and anxiety is quietly growing.
Have a happy and prosperous New Year!!!
Our christmas was filled with close people, laughter, joy, exquisite tastes, wonderful smells, excitement and fun gifts.
But now we're getting ready for New Years Eve: the rooms have been cleaned, menu is ready, champagne in the freezer, led ready to be poured and even the tables are laid - 12 friends are expected. Today we went skiing for the last time this year but tomorrow we are facing an intense cooking day and anxiety is quietly growing.
Have a happy and prosperous New Year!!!