Sunday, September 23, 2012

Tere sügis! Welcome Autumn!

Täna on sügise esimene päev! Valmivad viljad ning õhus on tunda enneolematut rõskust. Metsaalused punetavad pohladest ning rohelised toonid muutuvad aina tuhmimaks, päikesepaiste vaheldub vihmahoogudega. Kukeseenepirukas ja tass teed muudavad olemise kohe eriti mõnusaks!

Today is the first day of Autumn! Fruits and vegetables have ripened and one can feel that the air is becoming clammier. The forest floor is blushing with cowberries, all the green colours are fading out and sunshine is turning into rainstorms. A chantarelle pie and a cup of tea can make the feeling especially cozy!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Kõik on uus septembrikuus

Uus algus blogimisel ja uus algus koolis.
Õhus on tunda sügise algust, lehed kolletuvad ja eile oli esimene koolipäev.
Käisime veel viimast korda ujumas sel aastal ja rannas oli palju lohesurfareid.

Everything is new in September

New beginning in blogging and  new beginning in school.
Feeling of autumn is in the air, leaves are turning yellow and yesterday was the first day of school.
We went swimming for the last time  this year and there were lots of dragonsurfers.