Sunday, September 28, 2014

Sel nädalal algas astronoomiline sügis, mis automaatselt muutis ka õhu külmaks ja taeva halliks. Veel eelmisel nädalal saime nautida mõnusalt sooja ja päikselist vananaiste suve, käisime maal, korjasime pohli ja seeni. Hiljem keetsime metsaandisest moosi ja valmis pudel pohlaviina. Seened said kupatatud ja soolveega hoidistatud, talvel hea neist salatit teha. Emale sünnipäevakingiks heegeldasin  Eveli õpetuse järgi lipssalli, mille lõngaks kasutasin kõrgelt hinnatud Rowan Felted Tweed'i. Mulle endale meeldis tulemus niivõrd, et plaanin ka endale sarnase heegeldada.

The autumn equinox took place this week and instantly the air became cooler and the sky turned gray. Just last week we could enjoy a warm and sunny Indian summer, went to the countryside, picked lingonberries and mushrooms. Later we cooked jam out of the forest fruits and also made a bottle of lingonberry vodka. We boiled the mushrooms and preserved the, in salted water, then it's good to make salad out of them in wintertime. I crocheted a tie-scarf out of highly valued Rowan Felted Tweed for my mother's birthday by the instructions of Eveli . I liked the result so much that I decided to make one for myself too.