Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Tundub, et eriti mahe talv hakkab peagi läbi saama. Täna oli tõeliselt kevadine olemine, palju päikest ja soojakraadid. Käisime jalutamas Kalamajas ja püüdsime pildile ühe musta kõutsi, kes luusis ringi ja jooksis mööda aeda üles. Näitan veel ühte jõulukingitust, mis läks minu kallile abikaasale - maavillased rohelise-valge kirjud kirikindad, millel saab sõrmed välja võtta, et talvel fotosid teha või skrollida :) Idee leidsin Krentu blogist. Kõrval olevad värvilised tumepunase põhjal kirikindad on minu vanaema kootud. Need iludused kinkis ta mulle ja mina tahan nende ilu ka teistega jagada :)

Seems like the especially mild winter is starting to end. Today felt like spring isn't far away anymore, plenty of sunshine and above zero degrees. We went for a walk in Kalamaja and captured a photo of a black cat, he strolled around and ran up the fence. I have here a photo of another christmas present that went to my beloved husband - woolen green and white colored patterned mittens, with finger flaps for easier photo taking or scrolling :) I found the idea from Krentu blog. The colored red mittens are knitted by my grandma. She gave them to me as a present and I want to share their beauty with everyone :)


  1. The mittens are beautiful. I wish we had spring like temps here. We've been dipping into the -30s'C in Canada. Very hard winter. We are all longing for spring. Enjoy the sun for us.

  2. Normally February is the coldest month in Estonia, lot's of snow and -10 to -20 degrees, therefor it's so surprising that we could already enjoy spring temperatures. By the way, it's always so heart-warming to see a comment under my post :) Thank you!
