Friday, June 5, 2015

Eelmine nädal oli taas meie suur sünnipäevanädal! Kõigepealt tähistasin mina oma viimast kahekümnendates sünnipäeva Hirvepargis piknikul. Küpsetasin õhulise biskviidi-vahukoore-kohupiima tordi, mille kaunistasin maasikatega ja šokolaadikeerudega. Olin enda üle ikka väga uhke, sest küpsetan ma haruharva ja tulem oli niivõrd ilus, isuäratav ja ülimaitsev! Peale tordi tegin veel peedi-sinihallitusjuustu muffineid ja erinevaid dipikastmeid (hummus, guacamole ja hapukoore küüslaugu), mille kõrvale pakkusin igasuguseid snäkke.
Sünnipäev oli ka hea põhjus näidata ja pildistada kleiti, mille mõni aeg tagasi õmblesin. Triibulise trikotaazi leidin oma kangalaost ja idee sain Pinterestist. Lõikeks kasutasin oma t-särki, mida visuaalselt pikendasin , kaelaava viimistlesin lõikekohase kandiga ja ääred sik-sakitasin.
Minu abikaasa pidas oma sünnipäeva traditsiooniliselt rannas, Sellel aastal oli terve ranna äär tihedalt võililli täis, kasutasin juhust ja punusin suve esimese pärja! Ilmaga vedas tohutult, palju päikest ja vaid õige pisut vihma. Kõik rohetab ja tänavatel on magus õite hõng, oleme väga õnnelikud, et meil on aasta kõige ilusamal ajal sünnipäev!

Last week was our great birthday-week! Firstly I celebrated my last twenties birthday on a picnic at Hirvepark. I baked an airy biscuit-whipped-cream-curd cake, which I decorated with strawberries and chocolate swirls. I was very proud of myself, because I rarely bake and the result was beautiful and delicious! Besides the cake I also made beetroot and blue cheese muffins and different dip sauces (hummus, guacamole and sour cream-garlic), which I served with several snacks.
Birthday was a great reason for showing and taking pictures of a dress I sewed some time ago. The striped stretched fabric I found in my own fabric stock and the idea came from Pinterest. I used my t-shirt which I lengthened visually to make the cut. I finished the neckline with a cut-appropriate border and zig-zaged the hemline.
My husband celebrated his birthday traditionally at the beach. This year the coastline was filled with dandelions so I took the opportunity to weave this summers first corona! We were lucky to have a sunny weather and very little rain. Everything is green and the streets are filled with sweet aroma of blooming blossoms, we are lucky to have birthdays in the most wonderful time of the year!


  1. Oh. happy belated birthday dear friend. You look radiant! The cake looks lovely, but I will admit, I really REALLY want your beet/blue cheese muffin recipe. Please!!!!!! <3

  2. Nii armas, eriti viimane pilt nendest põõsas miilustavatest ratastest :) Meil on tõesti sünnipäev ühel kaunimal ajal aastas!

  3. Here comes Beet and blue cheese muffin recipe! I tried to translate it very quickly so I hope you'll understand :)
    5 dl wheat flour
    1 tablespoon baking powder
    2 teaspoons dried basil
    150 g blue cheese
    100-150 g boiled or pickled beet
    2 dl cream
    3 pcs egg
    3 tablespoons oil
    handful chopped fresh parsley for decorations
    Mix the dry ingredients together , add blue cheese peaces and grated or cut into small cubes of beet . Stir gently and add cream, eggs and oil, stir again.
    Lift the dough into the buttered muffin tins and bake in 200 C degrees oven about 18 minutes.
    Happy baking!
