Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Sellel aastal olid jõulud tõeliselt imelised, tõime esmakordselt tuppa kuuse ja maha sadas kohev lumevaip. Käisime palju külas ja võtsime ise külalisi vastu. Veel mõned kiired asjatoimetused ja olemegi valmis ära saatma aastat 2014. Maagilist aastalõppu!

Christmas was wonderful this year because we brought first time a christmas-tree in our home and there was a thick snow carpet on the ground. We visited and had a lot of visitors ourselves this year. A few more quick arrangements and we will be ready to say goodbye to 2014. Have a magical New Year's Eve!


  1. Happy New year dear Mai, I wish you happiness all through 2015. xo

  2. Dear Yanic! All the best wishes for you and your family aswell!!!
