Monday, June 29, 2015

Otsustasin sõbranna pulmadeks uue kleidi õmmelda. Lõike leidsin Burdast, põnevad traksid seljal haarasid kohe tähelepanu. Õmblemine ei ole mul just tugevaim külg, kuid esmapilgul tundus, et saan selle lõikega hakkama. Lõpuks käis see mulle siiski veidi üle jõu, trakside sättimine ostus palju keerulisemaks. Aga suure pusimise tulemusel sai kleit õigeks ajaks selga. Kleidi istuvusega ma väga rahule ei jäänud, küll aga kangaga. See on ostetud mitukümmend aastat tagasi, katsudes tundub sile, siidine ning jahe. Ideaalne palaval päeval, kuid kahjuks kortsub väga kiiresti. Peol sain tantsupõrandal  palju keerutada, et demostreerida kui hästi langev ja lendlev mu seelikusaba on :)
Kitsed ja kaunid õied on pärit vanaema aiast. Hetkel naudime täiel rinnal suve ja varsti kirjutan meie rattamatkast ka lähemalt.

Decided to sew a new dress for my friend's wedding. I found a cut from Burda, the backpart caught my attention immediately. Sewing is not my strongest side, though at first it felt like I can handle the cut. Finally it was a bit too much for me to get the strips right. But after a long hustle I got the dress ready for the right time. I was not satisfied how the dress sat on me, but I was pleased with the fabric. It is bought a couple of decades ago, feels smooth to the touch, silky and cool. Perfect on a hot day, but unfortunately it shrivels quickly. At the party I got to swirl on the dancefloor a lot and so I could demonstrate how floating my skirt tail was :)
The goats and pretty blossoms come from my granny's back yard. At the moment we are enjoying summer to the max and I will soon write about our bike hike, too.

1 comment:

  1. I find the dress very pretty. You look like you are up to no good in those first few pictures. Like a little pixie!
